Leite group s.r.o.

Full Inventory Count Services for Goods, Products, and Materials

Conducting regular inventory counts is essential for every company. It provides an accurate understanding of asset levels and inventory. Unfortunately, many businesses either delay, conduct cursory checks, or neglect inventory entirely. This neglect results in substantial financial losses that far outweigh the cost of proper inventory management.

These financial losses typically stem from:

  1. Production disruptions due to inaccurate material inventory levels, causing delays when critical components for product finalization are unavailable.
  2. Goods unavailability on store shelves, where the inventory system assumes items are in stock, but they are actually sold out. This discrepancy leads to reduced availability for customers and subsequently impacts sales negatively
  3. Internal theft by employees is an unfortunate reality. While most employees are honest, a few may take advantage of lax asset control. In some cases, organized groups of employees collude to systematically steal company assets. These groups often use sophisticated methods to conceal their activities and may even falsify inventory results to cover their tracks. Such employees typically oppose external inventory checks and may react negatively to their presence. If your employees resist external inventory counts, it could indicate underlying issues that need addressing.
  4. Challenges and Delays in Goods Export. Are you using a warehouse system that tracks the location of each pallet accurately? Is this inventory data reliable? We’ve seen cases where our clients lost this control, resulting in an arduous and sometimes impossible task of locating products intended for shipment.

If your company is experiencing any of the issues described in this article, feel free to reach out to us without hesitation.